Sunspotter Talk

Can't start classification

  • dbell by dbell

    This is not the "occasional" issue - I can't find any place to begin classifying.

    Had no trouble signing in (obviously, as I'm here on the forum), but from the posted start page at or from the forum's Return to Classifying button, all I get is a nice narrow band image of half the Sun and an appeal to join!


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB

    What browser are you using ?


  • dbell by dbell in response to ElisabethB's comment.

    Firefox, very recent. Hadn't tried Chrome because I needed to reload it.
    Sooo, Chrome works, but Firefox doesn't!

    Thanks for the hint!



  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB

    Sorry, for the very terse hint ! I meant to say : Welcome to Sunspotters and I do hope you get it working ! 😄

    Anyway, happy hunting ! 😄


  • dbell by dbell

    It wasn't terse, IMO! Thanks, and everything's fine now (in chrome, anyway.)



  • dvdgc13 by dvdgc13 translator, scientist in response to dbell's comment.

    Dave, I'm using Firefox and it's working fine... Could you let us know which version of Firefox you are using (Help/About Firefox) - also is a good idea to check whether any add-on is conflicting with the site - try starting it in safe mode.
