Favourites and Collections
by jules
Under My Profile there is a "Favourites" category but the only way to put something in there is via "Recents." Is that right? Would be nice to be able to add to favourites from the main screen.
This means that making collections is not so easy. I was hoping to learn more about magnetograms from this project and put the different Hale / Mount Wilson categories into separate collections for studying later. It's do-able but it's not easy!
At the moment it is very cumbersome to categorize my fav. images. Every time when I want to do that, I have to go to the “SUNSPOTTER Profile-recent-talk then I can categorize the image, and it does not appear on my SUNSPOTTER “favorite” unless I click on the “star” under “recent” and then go to “favorite” and click on “talk” for that particular image and create a new collection. If I just click on the “star” under “recent”, it will appear under the general “favorite” category on both the “SUNSPOTTER” and the “Discuss”.
It would be nice as Jules have said, if we can click on the image on the classifying page and it brings us straight to the “talk” page. Now when I click on one of the paired images, a new pair will appear.