Sunspotter Talk

Hello, Sunspotter!

  • DZM by DZM admin

    Hello, Zooites of Sunspotter!

    My name is Darren--DZM here on Talk--and I've just joined the Zooniverse team. I'm working on a few projects, first and foremost working on an overhaul of the Talk system. In particular, I’m interested in working to build a unified Zooniverse Talk within which individual project forums are nested.

    If you have any additional ideas for how Talk can be improved, I’d love to know! I’ll also be around these boards as often as possible, looking for any other ways in which I can help out, so I’m always interested in hearing from you all.

    I don’t have any sort of astronomy background, but I’m hoping to learn from everyone here. ! I’ll be around these boards as often as possible, looking for any other ways in which I can help out, so I’m always interested in hearing from you--questions, concerns, ideas, anything.

    Hope to do some science together; see you all around!




  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB

    I am sooo not stalking you , but welcome to Sunspotters ! 😄


  • DZM by DZM admin

    You do get around these boards; I respect that! 😃 Hopefully under the new board design, it'll be a bit easier for you!


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB

    I'm not complaining! 😄


  • DZM by DZM admin

    If anyone would like to know a bit more about me and my role, there's a new Zooniverse blog post up from Chris Lintott introducing me.

    Feel free to check it out, and I'm happy to answer any additional questions that you might have! 😃


  • dvdgc13 by dvdgc13 translator, scientist in response to DZM's comment.

    Welcome @DZM !!!

    Really nice idea of nesting the talks from different projects. I would say the only difficulty I've had so far is to mention people which user name is separated by spaces. But the rest seems fine for me. Though probably I'm not discussing in many projects like many other people.


  • DZM by DZM admin

    Ooh, that's a new one! How would you mention people with spaces in their user names? (We really shouldn't allow people to have spaces in their user names!)

    Good call-out! Thank you!


  • DZM by DZM admin

    Brought Sunspotter around the Adler today while people were waiting for the partial solar eclipse. It was a hit! 😃


  • Mike_Lman by Mike_Lman

    Undergraduate student from Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire, glad to be on board!


  • DZM by DZM admin

    Welcome, @Mike_Lman -- !! Thanks for joining us. Good luck sunspotting, and hope to see you around the boards!


  • astronomerj by astronomerj

    Hello everyone 😄


  • dvdgc13 by dvdgc13 translator, scientist in response to astronomerj's comment.

    Hi @astronomerj
    Welcome and nice to have you here. We are getting back to speed in the project, so we will answer your questions soon.


  • jlfqam by jlfqam

    Hi, is there anyone interested in an alternative, realistic, mechanism on what are sunspots and how do they form and evolve?
    It's based on freely available imagery and magnetic data.


  • Sunspotendevor07 by Sunspotendevor07

    I want ot know how to start. can anyone help?
