Sunspotter Talk

The missing malaysian airliner

  • JasonJason by JasonJason

    I was just wondering what would happen if everyone from zooniverse pitched in at tomnod would we find it quicker. The efforts of millions of people would certainly make some difference. If everyone just took an hour would it be found?


  • Mjtbarrett by Mjtbarrett

    I absolutely agree. Perhaps the science teams could formulate a protocol for any similar events in future... perhaps along the lines of an early offer of help to the appropriate authorities (or tomnod) followed by an emergency blog to all the projects with a post on each Talk board.?? A million zooites must be able to make a significant contribution. Even a negative result (as in this case) would have been arrived at quickly and the search area might have been widened sooner.


  • JasonJason by JasonJason

    I agree.


  • pahiggins by pahiggins

    I'll email the zooniverse folks to see if they will put out a call.
    Thanks for the tip!


  • pahiggins by pahiggins

    Hi all,
    The sunspotter team just got a nice response from Brooke Simmons who is working on trying to involve zooniverse in humanitarian projects. Apparently the cogs have been in motion over the last few months. Because of server loads and such, I think there needs to be some infrastructure put in place before they unleash their 1,000,000 zoo-ites on a given project.

    With respect to the Malaysian airliner, the servers had a lot of trouble, even without the zoo-ites.

    Anyway, it is a great idea, and I can't wait to see it come to fruition!


  • voyager1682002 by voyager1682002

    That's fantastic! I can't wait either 😃


  • Mjtbarrett by Mjtbarrett

    Thanks for the update. That's great news. 😃


  • hamptongray23 by hamptongray23

    I had never heard of Tomnod before, so I am glad I read your post.

    Also, although I feel pathetic for asking this question and would be embarrassed to Google it, has the plane been found? The news has stopped reporting on it.


  • Mjtbarrett by Mjtbarrett

    "no time limit" on continuing search. 😦


  • hamptongray23 by hamptongray23



  • jhon henry osorio orozco by jhon henry osorio orozco

    Después de mucho rato de inactividad hoy el sol nos sorprendió con una M3.4 y con una G2 dias antes cuando el satélite enlil mostraba un leve impacto de la CME del filamento que hizo erupción tres días antes,realmente apenas comenzamos a comprender el sol compañeros.
