Sunspotter Talk

Open Access to journals

  • dvdgc13 by dvdgc13 translator, scientist

    Hi everyone! as you may have read from @pahiggins in an answer in one of the threads, we are trying to find a way to provide access to some papers behind paywalls.

    But while we found our way around it I suggest you to take a look into this open access button which helps you to find another source of the paper available online while it provides some numbers of how many people is hitting a paywall. I've found about this in the guardian.


  • pahiggins by pahiggins

    Hi all,

    I have just published a new blog post about our initiative:

    I included a poll to gauge interest on making journals open-access for citizen science volunteers, so please spread the word! The bigger response we get from zooites voting, and showing their interest, the more likely it is that the publishers will respond!
